Meet the Tertullia Cafe Benefits Club , an exclusive loyalty program that turns every real spent into advantageous rewards. With the philosophy that "every R$1 is worth 0.10 Point(s)", this program builds customer loyalty through a simple and effective points system, allowing the exchange of these points for coupons and benefits in stores affiliated with the program.
The Tertullia Cafe Benefits Club stands out for its simplicity and efficiency. Customers automatically accumulate points on their purchases and enjoy the flexibility of redeeming these points for discount coupons, which can be used directly at partner stores. With WhatsApp and SMS automation, the program maintains effective and direct communication, boosting customer engagement and satisfaction.
Although it doesn’t have its own website or some more complex features, the program makes up for it with strategic integration with the Stone payment platform, ensuring a cohesive and simplified user experience. This model is especially advantageous for businesses looking for loyalty systems that are easy to manage and have a high customer retention rate.
Discover more about how Tertullia Cafe 's loyalty program can positively impact customer engagement and increase purchase frequency, providing value in every transaction.