The BrilheBack APP is an innovative Cashback program aimed at E-commerces, offering customers the opportunity to earn 0.05% Cashback on each purchase made. This program was designed to provide customers with a continuous incentive to return and make new purchases, while increasing engagement through automation.
The BrilheBack APP’s Cashback model offers several advantages: direct incentive for customers to become loyal to the store through visible financial rewards, easy redemption and use of accumulated cashback, and constant communication via automation that keeps the customer engaged with the brand. The lack of complexity in programs such as Referral Rewards and Gamification simplifies the user experience, keeping the focus on simple purchases and rewards. Because it is integrated with the Nuvemshop platform, it offers operational efficiency for the merchant. With its accessible and simplified model, the BrilheBack APP is positioned to thrive, transforming customers into repeat and loyal buyers.